Malaga, Spain

Dancing Flamenco in the street

Going East along European Continent from Gibraltar, there is a big city, Malaga.
When I sailed into an old small Marina, the security came near and suggested going 8 more miles West for the ather Marina.
So, I immediately moved to the other, "PUERTO DEPORTIVO DE NALMADENA"

As you might have heared "Malagena", Malaga is the cradle of Flamenco.
Both "Cante Flamenco", "Ballet Flamenco" are wonderful.
It was a enjoyable city for me.

Mieko and me on a camel in Morocco

I felt like going to Morocco.
Surprisingly, Morocco in Africa was much closer to Malaga than I expected.
In fact, it's almost same as the distance between Cordoba and Sevilla in Andalucia.
I was under the illusion that I only crossed a lake in one continent.

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