Gibraltar, English territory

Passing " Europa" for the Mediterranean Sea

Gibraltar is an English territory located in southern part of Spain, facing the Gibraltar Channel.
The Gibraltar Channel between the Europe and the Africa is less than 15 Nautical Miles in the shortest way.

People used to say "The world will be controled by a hero who would bring the Gibraltar Channel under control."
Obviously, it's an important place to watch the invision for the Mediterranean Sea.

The Cannon of the Gibraltar Fortress
You can see the African Continent dimly behind me.

According to a signboard, here is only one living place of monkey in Europe.
The monkey I saw was alike to Japanese monkey.

First, I visited the MarinaBay Gibraltar.
It was just like a resort with the fancy stores standing in a row side by side.
3 days later, I moved to the Shephard Marina to repair the boat.
To change completely, there were repairing factories standing by pier.
The most interesting thing is that there are two Marinas close and each Marina is characteristic.
It shows that the transportation of ship is rooted in their life.

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